Behold the interweb home of Mischa Poslawsky aka Shiar. It contains information on my (software) projects such as Wormy, a section about TI-8x calculators including over 200 game reviews, and pages on anything else that might interest me.
I'm the magical man from Happy Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane!
In an effort to unify my various tlds, the primary location of this site will henceforth be at Seems like a decent choice, as I'm sufficiently proud to be from the Netherlands. The other options are either debatable (.net: does hosting multiple sites make me a network provider?), misleading (.com to denote internationality?), or a complete stretch (.org for non-profit, but without the organization?).
To celebrate, I've redesigned my logo. While it's certainly much less shiny and 3-D, I think it's more suitable for me to have something written (custom SVG) than drawn (using some third-party font no less). And no, the resemblance to my written signature is not accidental (just unfortunate my nick requires a diagonal line :/).
After about six years of inactivity, I finally resurrected my site. As pages became more and more outdated, the work required to update everything to a semi-relevant state grew to the point where it's easier to just leave it clearly deprecated.
But at last I managed to bring it back to a presentable state. The styling and HTML have been updated, and all code rewritten (which besides being maintainable and PHP-less, now features translations and clean urls). Most obsolete contents have been removed or revised (useful information should still be there though). While I'm not planning on posting as frequently as I used to, I do hope to keep it somewhat current.
You wouldn't believe it if you weren't reading this, but I'm actually
updating my page! :) Not that I've got anything noteworthy to say
(oh, just that my site got over 100,000 visitors, w00t),
but a lot of people were wondering where I went. Well, mostly I'm just
preoccupied with my job at the moment. The only update is that I just
made my guestbook a little more spam-resistant (recently it's
being flooded by spam, bleurgh). But soon I think I may have some
calculator-related updates for you as well (even though I officially retired).
Check back soon ;)
Finally got a computer-related job :). At Media Design, where I'm currently working on Cu2, a site which most dutch people may have heard of ^_^. Anyways, since I'm now working on websites fulltime, the fun of updating my own site is mostly gone. I'll try though: Little update to the about me page, and I believe I never mentioned my StarCraft page before, which contains some useful info about the game.
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