Previous news

This is all the news I ever placed on my page. Not very spectacular, but it's better than just deleting the old items =)

2009 (2 posts)
2008 (1 posts)
2003 (1 posts)
2002 (20 posts)
2001 (77 posts)
With a lot of calc-sites dieing all around, my site kinda established itself this year. It moved (and stayed) to, and besides still working on Wormy, I also made even more reviews, and even did a few previews and other ticalc news.
2000 (107 posts)
A year full of ticalc activity. I continued on Nemesis, and started working a lot on Wormy. Also wrote quite some game reviews.
1999 (31 posts)
The earliest postings. The first couple of months my site was nothing more than a bad attempt at a personal homepage - I didn't even have an internet connection myself. Those news items were just what I happened to put on the main page. In August I started programming the TI-86 and my site got a purpose. Actual content followed soon after.