The last one should have been something like Calculator upgrades
you have
, but because of me being too lazy to add another two
words, it became more like you want. Doesn't matter.
Seems most of you want more memory (34%). More results on the
Survey page.
The new poll is about when you think
gonna be released (this will in no way affect the release date.)
Should be the last version before its release. Some pretty nice changes:
Guess what? I DID IT AFTERALL!
Wormy's gold!
Alright then ppls, without further stalling for
time, i present to you:
Just grab something and enjoy :)
Seems everybody's quite happy I finally released Wormy (including me). It also seems to be working pretty well, not much big bad bugs afaik (just don't set multifood to 0 peas, and it may crash when you hide levels in yas..) I may work on it some more (especially the editor of course) when I've got the time.
About other sites: I was rather disappointed :( Some kind words by
(even got an underlined 10/10 for it), Cullen,
and TI-News.
didn't even bother to include my screenshots, and put it somewhere between
dozens of graphics and BASIC programs. Only after a few days they
agreed to make it featured (too late by then though).
Overall Wormy's hardly been seen. Too bad, 'cause I still think it turned
out to be a nice game. Maybe in a few years it'll slowly get noticed?
Not programming atm. Maybe later. Something I did do is make a page about the Dvorak keyboard layout! It contains some extensive tests on word/letter frequencies (yes I've been busy ;)), clearly showing the inferiority of qwerty ;) and also info about non-us Dvorak variations. Enjoy.
Minor changes to this site here and there. Notably, I've stopped using
phpsessions. Maybe now Google
will spider me again? My about
section has also been updated; now including my webcam, more personalities,
and updated home.
I'll probably release a new game for the TI-86 tomorrow (Fear!)
Thanks to Ricky Cobb
and Aaron Curtis
for mentioning Wormy.
A new game for the 86. No
I just made it to show a BASIC programmer that asm programs can be insanely
small too. At just 104 bytes it's still playable! Make that 188
bytes if you also want hiscores and stuff, but it's still small. Download
it at the
Claustro page.
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