Claustro's one of the smallest playable games available for the TI-86. It's
very simple: just up and down your way through a tunnel; good to play in a few
lost minutes. The game itself is just 104 bytes, so it can even be
typed in manually for those who don't have a link cable.
The deluxe version of 188 bytes has the following additional features:
Everything's included in this download: (6.1kB)
init: cal _clrLCD ld bc,$100D ; b=tunnel_pos ; c=tunnel_width (<$10) ld hl,$FE0E ; hl=you_pos mainloop: halt halt checkme: bit 7,(hl) ret nz psh hl drawme: ld a,(hl) or %1000000 ld (hl),a newwalls: ld a,h and %1 jr z,newdir dec b ; *1=down jr z,newdir dec b ; >0-- newdir: ld a,b add a,c cp 63 jr nc,newok inc b ; <60++ newok: go: ; move right ld hl,$FFFF goloop: srl (hl) jr nc,gonext inc hl set 7,(hl) dec hl gonext: dec hl ld a,h cp $FB jr nz,goloop tunnew: ; scroll -> a=0 psh bc ld de,16 ld hl,$FC00 xor a tuntop: ld (hl),-1 add hl,de dnz tuntop ld b,c tunway: ld (hl),a add hl,de dnz tunway tunbot: ld (hl),-1 add hl,de cp h ; hl>$FFFF? jr nz,tunbot pop bc pop hl inkeys: ld a,%11111110 out (1),a in a,(1) rra ; down jr nc,movedn bit 2,a ; up jr nz,mainloop moveup: or a sbc hl,de ld a,h cp $FB jr nz,mainloop movedn: add hl,de jr c,moveup jr mainloop
For those unfortunates without a PC→TI link cable, Claustro is so small you could even input it manually if you really want to! Start an empty program (PRGM, edit) and enter the code below without any errors! Even a single typo will probably crash your calc (so backup any important data). When you're done, run it with Asm(prgmName).
PS: don't get your hopes up too much; it's a pretty below-average game. Still, it offers you a glimpse of real assembly on your calc, so enjoy the experience.
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