The pages' headers have changed a little again (best ever in my opinion. Took quite some time to implement into all subpages btw...) Also did some effort to make my page even more Netscape compatible. And I'd almost call it acceptable!! You more or less get the idea what you're missing without MsIE. Anyways I think my page looks really cool now.
Also: it took me a few hours, but now you can vote+comment on all 83 games in my archives. Check it out, and leave a few messages to make these archives even better!! Just the TI-83 archives for now (since they're visited most). TI-85/86 archives later.
They finally did it! Dimension-TI (now officially named has been
completely redesigned. It looks much better; maybe they'll live
This unlike TI-Files
which has been dead for a long time now. Also
TIGalaxy hasn't
been updated in over two months (doesn't look like it'll ever be
a big three.) And almost every other TI site (including this
one )= is being updated less to a lot less frequently (though I'm
planning a li'l update for my page, more news on that later).
Great news for ppl playing TetriFAST (like me). A little while ago the only server stopped. But now there's a new server up and running at or! To celebrate I updated my TetriNET page ;-)
The new comment/voting-system in my archives is slowly
getting noticed and even used. Also abused: some aol-person called
Ryan has posted
"I'd like a copy of that cool game please email it to me."
all over the archives. Also two other posts about how to download
files or upload games to a calc. As I explained on the
ticalc main page just click
to download a file. Other questions ask me or someone else by
email; but don't post stupid questions in my
archives! Thank you.
Again I'm taking a break with Nemesis.
Just like a year ago, I just got very bored on it. Don't worry, I
will finish it later. For now I'm resuming work on
Wormy! This is going much better.
After a full day of coding, I've already completed the new version
0.93. Some of the improvements are:
Still quite some things to do: most importantly make linkplay work (4%), fix CTF (2%), and make keys customizable.
This one should've ended a long time ago, but I never had the inspiration for a new survey. But I finally thought of something; please vote on the left! Oh, and here're the results for the last poll:
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