Sections: v0.94 | v0.96 | v0.98
28.I.2002: Just for everybody who haven't bugged me about this already.
I've temporarily stopped working on Nemesis. The last released version was 0.94, and when the full v1.0 was nearing completion, I noticed the game wasn't entirely the way it should be. I put in way too much features and special stuff (charging bullets for example), and it was just too much for a simple calc. Busy levels ran too slow (like 5 fps) and it wasn't a real arcade anymore. I also was getting bored with it, so I put it on halt and continued working on Wormy. When that's finished I'll try to redo Nemesis a little, and hopefully release a completed version someday. For now, it's just not done; sorry.
All Gradiuses (including the MSX versions I played) are all conversions from these original arcades.
The first Nemesis aka Gradius released in 1985. Good versions were made
for C64, PCE, NES (see box shot) and of course my MSX.
1988: Konami made Vulcan Venture, or Gradius II (Gofer's Ambition).
Unfortunately ported only to PC-Engine (cover box) and never released
in the U.S.
One year later came the third Gradius, which was way too hard in the
original. The SNES convertion however was made easier and thus
a great game.
The latest version was released not too long ago (1998) and
named Gradius IV fukkatsu (ressurrection). A title with G3+4 was released
for the Playstation2 (looks nice!).
A cool and fast 2D-shooter based on the classic Nemesis/Gradius. 41 versions made by Konami for nearly every platform, but not yet for the TI-86 (or any calc for that matter). These were the versions I played on my old MSX:
Nemesis II
Nemesis III
I really enjoyed playing those games and since the MSX and TI86 both have the same CPU I thought why not convert it for my calc. Of course it'll never be as good, but I'm just trying to make it good enough compared to other calculator games. The graphics can never be compared to the original or even the GameBoy versions, and also lacks objects and other neat stuff.
Just the screenies, please...
Most significant version changes since version 0.61.
Reviews and reactions on Nemesis so far:
Nemesis 0.94 Review by Joe Stegner:
Attention span 8/10 (Fun game, addicting
) -
Controls 10/10 (I don't have much trouble
) -
Implementation 9/10 (Need more options on screen
) -
Overall 9/10 (It's fun
Read the complete review.
News item in october '99 with animated screenshot: Shiar
has released an update to his great game for the 86 called Nemesis
v0.94 Beta
(...) It features powerups and rather
fast gameplay, and I'm already addicted ;)
Currently (10/11/2000) ranked as 258 on the ticalc all-time top downloads list with 7872 downloads, and still being downloaded about 100 times a week!! (not counting other sites, just!)
DimTI description: A VERY good game where you are a
ship and you have to fly around and kill enemie ships. You
can choose black on white or white on black. The white on
black looks like you're really going through space!
Archive comments:
Mojo Phil: The
game is a good idea, but it gets pretty damn boring after a
couple plays.
Gives **
James Gibson: Fun and
exciting. It is great having this caliber.
Gives ***** (max.)
Nemesis 0.94 7/10: Although I'm not fond of this genre,
Nemesis is a very well done side-scrolling space shooter.
Nemesis has great graphics, speed, and controls. Small annoyances
include an incomplete story and infrequent power-ups (a shop perhaps?)
but they don't distract much from gameplay.
Nemesis 0.94 9/10: Nemesis is a GREAT game! It's a side
scrolling space shooter with good graphics and power up's. If you like
galaxian you'll love this!
Nemesis 0.93 review: 7/10
This is a cool Galaxian type game, but it is a side scroller.
There are pick-ups to upgrade your ship, and the graphics are pretty
Nemesis v0.90 beta review: 85%
A good game, if a bit buggy
Nemesis 0.90: An old side-scrolling arcade game where
you are a ship shooting the other enemy ships. Includes
I also got alot of emails and ICQ messages (Thanks btw!). Here's a few of them:
Aaron Hampton: Good god that is a phat game...
Joshua Name: I think your game is really cool.
Matthew Dale: I just wanted to tell you what a great game
Nemisis is. The graphics are smooth, and the idea is great.
Manuel Blain: This version of Nemesis is definetly more
Jared Wilcox: Great game.
James Gibson: Excellent game (...) If you could fix these
annoyances in the next version You would have a 5+ star game
on you hands.
K. Haring: I'd like to thank you for making a game that has
improved the quality of my English lessons significantly :)
/projects/calc/nemesis · en • created in 0.033s | ©1999-2003 by SHIAR • ALL YOUR RIGHT ARE BELONG TO US |