TetriNet is a
multiplayer Tetris game. You can play Tetris with upto six players! It's got
classic (pure) normal Tetris, and a cookies version where you can use
special blocks (like randomizers, nukers, etc.)
Unlike what you may think, tetris is actually a really cool game. It's based on some very easy rules, and requires quick thinking and handling. Just give it a try.
You can download TetriNet righthere:
TetriNET 1.13 for Windows |
(Unix/Linux versions on tetrinet.org) |
Run it to install TetriNet in your desired directory. Then run tetrinet.exe and connect to a server. Do this by selecting Client Settings and entering the server name/IP. Try tetrinet.org for example. Then choose to connect and go to the Partyline which is like a basic IRC client. Here you can join channels and chat with others. When a game is started on the channel you're on, choose Show Fields to start playing.
A few to get you started:
/help | Get a summary of the commands available on this server. |
/list | Lists all channels on this server. |
/who | Shows you the users on all channels. Easy to see which channels are populated, or to check for friends. |
/join * | Join a channel. If you want to play cookies for example type /join #cookies. |
/msg * * | Send a private message to someone on the same channel. To send a message to player 4 for example: /msg 4 hi. |
In TetriNet you can use your own skin for the playing fields and bricks
(Compare the default skin on the left, my own skin on the right). I recommend
you use any skin with a grid instead of the default one, so you can aim
your pieces better. I've made my own skin with grid and nicely colored bricks,
which you can download here:
>> Shiar's TetriNet skin! (zip 35kB)
>> (The same skin unzipped) (bmp 109kB)
Put the bitmap in your tetrinet directory and alter the file default.tnp
(with notepad or something) so it says bitmaps_file=tetshiar.bmp.
Same TetriNet but without the delay between two pieces. It makes playing it a lot cooler since you can drop them pieces like a madman without the endless waiting... It's much more action and stuff. One downside is that newbees don't stand any chance at all against a little more experienced player. And there's less players because it ain't available for Linux =(
Anyways just give it a try; you'll love it! You can download it here (or on the
official Tetrifast page plibble.com)
TetriFAST 1.13 for Windows |
(Unfortunately only available for Windows...) |
Put the file into your TetriNET directory (it uses the same files) and run it. There's less servers to play on. Actually just two of them rightnow:
(Update: these servers also seem to be down. Search the server list at Tetrinet for a working server...)
The original plibble.net server died recently. The are the last ones left as far as I know. Let's hope they stay cuz the game's just cool!
/misc/games/tetrinet · en • created in 0.017s | ©1999-2003 by SHIAR • Alle regte voorbehou |