Czech | Danish | German | English | Esperanto | Spanish | French | Irish | Hungarian | islanda | Hebrew | Japanese | Latin | Dutch | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Slovak | Swedish | Thai | Lappish
34-litera, includes every non-ASCII letter
příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské kódy
quiz contestants were eating strawbery with cream while Wolther the circus clown played on xylophone
quizdeltagerne spiste jordbær med fløde, mens cirkusklovnen Wolther spillede på xylofon
42-litera, © Bjørn A. BOJESEN
naŭza pro drinkejo kaj viskio la vulpo ekmanĝis meksikan kecalon
sløj af pub og whisky åd ræven en mexicansk quetzal
29-litera, © Bjørn A. BOJESEN
longdaŭra televid-kvizo kun jutlanda ularo en - ekzemple - la necesejo de insulo Ærø
lang tv-quiz med jysk hob på fx ærø wc
From Karl PENTZLIN (Kochel am See, Bavaria, Germany): "This German phrase is suited for display by a Fraktur (broken letter) font. It contains: all common three-letter ligatures: ffi ffl fft and all two-letter ligatures required by the Duden for Fraktur typesetting: ch ck ff fi fl ft ll ſch ſi ſſ ſt tz (all in a manner such they are not part of a three-letter ligature), one example of f-l where German typesetting rules prohibit ligating (marked by a ZWNJ), and all German letters a...z, ä, ö, ü, ß, ſ [long s] (all in a manner such they are not part of a two-letter Fraktur ligature)."
Im finſteren Jagdſchloß am offenen Felsquellwaſſer patzte der affig‐flatterhafte kauzig‐höfliche Bäcker über ſeinem verſifften kniffligen C‐Xylophon.
wrongful practicing of xylophone music tortures every larger dwarf
falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg
twelve boxing fighters hunted Eva across the great dike of Sylt
zwölf Boxkämpfer jagten Eva quer über den großen Sylter Deich
yes certainly, too much syntax does torment weak(?) heads
ja gewiß doch quält zuviel Syntax mürbe Köpfe
33-litera, only ASCII
Sylvia dares quickly the joke at Pforzheim
Sylvia wagt quick den Jux bei Pforzheim
24-litera vorto, includes every non-ASCII letter (lacks jqvwxy)
fuel oil recoil absorber
17-litera, includes every non-ASCII letter (lacks cdijklmopqtvwxyz)
Grüße aus Bärenhöfe
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim
according to Ludwig Zamenhof, fresh Czech food with spices tastes good
laŭ Ludoviko Zamenhof bongustas freŝa ĉeĥa manĝaĵo kun spicoj
40-litera, maybe every halfdecent smutty choir song makes a human type happy
eble ĉiu kvazaŭdeca fuŝĥoraĵ' ĝojigas homtipon
32-litera, from the sce forum
he, miĥĉj', ĵaŭdgrafbluzpec' vektŝanĝos!
16-litera, includes all non-ASCII
eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde
Contains every letter and every accent, but not every combination of vowel + acute
el pingüino Wenceslao hizo kilómetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y frío, añoraba a su querido cachorro
includes âà éêèë îï ô ûùü ÿ œæ ç
Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume sur son île intérieure, à côté de l'alcôve ovoïde, où les bûches se consument dans l'âtre, ce qui lui permet de penser à la cænogenèse de l'être dont il est question dans la cause ambiguë entendue à Moÿ, dans un capharnaüm qui, pense-t-il, diminue çà et là la qualité de son œuvre.
99-litera, includes âàä éêèë îï ôö ûùü ÿ œæ ç
Le cœur déçu mais l'âme plutôt naïve, Louÿs rêva de crapaüter en canoë au delà des îles, près du mälström où brûlent les novæ.
91-litera, includes âà éêèë îï ô ùû œæ ç
Les naïfs ægithales hâtifs pondant à Noël où il gèle sont sûrs d'être déçus et de voir leurs drôles d'œufs abîmés.
70-litera, includes â éêèë îï ô ùûü œ ç
l'île exiguë
Où l'obèse jury mûr
Fête l'haï volapük,
Âne ex aéquo au whist,
Ôtez ce vœu déçu.
37-litera, only ASCII
take this old whisky to the blond judge who is smoking
portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume
64-litera, includes áḃċḋéḟġíṁóṗṡṫú (lacks chmp)
with h-es: 73-litera, includes áéíóú
an ḃfuil do ċroí ag bualaḋ ó ḟaitíos an ġrá a ṁeall lena ṗóg éada ó ṡlí do leasa ṫú?
50-litera, includes ÁḋÉḟġÍṁóÓṫÚ and even v (lacks fmt ḃḋṗṡ)
with h-es: 55-litera, includes ÁÉÍóÓÚ and even v
D'ḟuascail Íosa Úrṁac na hÓiġe Beannaiṫe pór Éava agus Áḋaiṁ
21-litera, only every non-ASCII letter
flood-proof mirror-drilling machine
árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép
kæmi ný öxi hér ykist þjófum nú bæði víl og ádrepa
28-litera, lacks several ASCII letters
sævör grét áðan því úlpan var ónýt
?דג סקרן שט בים מאוכזב ולפתע מצא לו חברה איך הקליטה
Hiragana (Iroha)
イロハニホヘト チリヌルヲ ワカヨタレソ ツネナラム
ウヰノオクヤマ ケフコエテ アサキユメミシ ヱヒモセスン
42-litera, Jim REEDS
plena je riĉaĵoj kartago prifestis libian triumfon
gaza frequens libycos duxit karthagos triumphos
swedish ex-VIP, quite fond of quantum physics
zweedse ex-vip, behoorlijk gek op quantumfysica
saĝa linko de paĉjo toleris pie la fortan akvedukton
pa's wijze lynx bezag vroom het fikse aquaduct
35-litera, uzita en WordPerfect
filmkvizo malordigis kleran eks-joganon
filmquiz bracht knappe ex-yogi van de wijs
sexy by body, though scared by the swimsuit
sexy qua lijf, doch bang voor 't zwempak
(or 29 including the digraph ij by using wijfje instead of wijf)
his stupid exquiz-wife quickly brought chicken
z'n dom exquis wijf bracht vlug kip
26-litera (el 26)
wife lures you, or otherwise her dad, using a so-called sexy bra
wijf lokt u, c.q. 'r pa, dmv 'n zg. sexy b.h.
32-litera (el 32)
to push a hedgehog or eight bins of figs in this boat
pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig
61-litera, foras ghjkuwyz, includes àâéóôõúü (?)
o próximo vôo à noite sobre o Atlântico, põe freqüentemente o único médico
Would a citrus live in the bushes of south? Yes, but only a fake one!
В чащах юга жил-бы цитрус? Да, но фальшивый экземпляръ!
77-litera, foras cfglmqwxyz, includes äáčďéíĺľňôóŕúšťýž (?)
starý kôň na hŕbe kníh žuje tíško povädnuté ruže, na stĺpe sa ďateľ učí kvákať novú ódu o živote
44-litera, includes åäö
flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor
Copyright owned by The Computer Association of Thailand.
[--------------------------|------------------------] ๏ เป็นมนุษย์สุดประเสริฐเลิศคุณค่า กว่าบรรดาฝูงสัตว์เดรัจฉาน จงฝ่าฟันพัฒนาวิชาการ อย่าล้างผลาญฤๅเข่นฆ่าบีฑาใคร ไม่ถือโทษโกรธแช่งซัดฮึดฮัดด่า หัดอภัยเหมือนกีฬาอัชฌาสัย ปฏิบัติประพฤติกฎกำหนดใจ พูดจาให้จ๊ะๆ จ๋าๆ น่าฟังเอย ฯ
40-litera, inkluzivas ŧđgáŋčž, foras bcfhknpqwxyz (???)
vuol Ruoŧa geđggiid leat máŋga luosa ja čuovžža
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