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Joltima (3'98) Ashell, SOS by Justin Karneges; 24.5kB

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A good and complex RPG, that keeps you occupied for quite a while. Lead your four guys around the world to get all 8 shards. Note this world is really big: while playing it myself, I even drew a map to find back the towns and stuff. In these towns you can rest your men, buy items and talk to ppl. Outside towns you'll be contanly attacked by enemy creatures (which can get pretty boring after a while). The best game ever, just a bit large, but who needs other games when you haven't completed this one yet?! pause



Average 5.5 / 10 by 666 votes.


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anonymus posted 2005-12-06 23:17
hey for all ppl who cant find those two shells u can go to then then goto search then search for crunchyOS (its an application but those are called flash on ticalc) click on its name to download. u can run joltima from this app
Mike posted 2002-11-13 04:38
when i download the joltima file, i can't send it to my calculator because it says it has too little memory when i have 24194 bytes off free space left. how do i send it to my calculator?
Mike posted 2002-11-13 04:37
when i download the joltima file, i can't send it to my calculator because it says it has too little memory when i have 24194 bytes off free space left. how do i send it to my computer?
Tyler posted 2002-10-09 03:04
I also need the codes cus i lost my link
Joe posted 2001-12-16 01:23
Where can I get SOS or AShell? Or can I play it also with Ion?

Chris posted 2001-11-13 20:20
Where can I get SOS or AShell?
Or can I play it also with Ion?
AC posted 2001-11-10 21:18
How to get SOS or ASHELL?
Delbra posted 2001-10-23 09:27