Just for the ones with TI-86/z80-knowledge:
the memory areas Worm uses:
begin | end | size | |
Virtual screen | 8820 | A7FF | 1FE0 |
Worm 1 | A800 | ABFF | 400 |
Game Data | AC00 | ACFF | 100 |
Sin/cos Table | AD00 | AE00 | 101 |
Worm 2 | B000 | B3FF | 400 |
Display buffer | B400 | B78F | 390 |
Worm 3 | B800 | BBFF | 400 |
Worm 4 | F000 | F3FF | 400 |
Levels data | F400 | FA70 | <671 |
Note1: Everything in hex. Note2: Worm 1-4 addresses must be mod$800=0.
I just want to ask all z80-programmers out there: can I safely use these
addresses? If not, tell me now!
/site/news/2000/wormmem · en • created in 0.052s | ©1999-2003 by SHIAR • Alle regte voorbehou |