This is cheap! Watched TOS once and never again! Well of course,
it was made about 100 years ago, but it's still bad.
Some more unbelievable crap. Whathever you do, don't think about what they
say or do.
The latest DS9s space battles looked OK enough, but they should leave the
storyline out!
Why can't those writers think before they write something?
One of the very few things I still like in Star Trek are the borg.
Nearly all Borg-involved episodes feature nice battles, and the Federation
finally get their buts kicked. If it weren't for those startrek-writers who
always make humans superior in some way, the federation was gone!!
(Like why do the Borg send just one cube against the federation each
time while they have thousends of them).
The creator(s) of B5 have, unlike ST's, actually thought about it: the
storyline, technologies (with boundries, not just use everything, like in...),
species (not change them along the way)...
In this universe, humans are not the perfect species like st would like us to believe. Also, they don't have every technology thinkable of invented (no transporters, and humans don't have artificial gravity so they rotate their ships ;) I don't have too much trouble believing this could happen one day.
Then there's the graphics: they look great and are used a lot. Nice space
battles happen quite frequently, looking more realistic than StarTrek battles:
you actually see there's no gravity, and good lighting.
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