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TI-8x archives

3D Checkers (9'00) by Joshua Seaoge; 2.4kB

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The best-looking checkers ever. Too bad it's two-player/single-calc only, a singleplayer option (AI) would be nice. Also the board-flipping thingy should be an option. pause 2p


3 in a Row (1'00) by Mike Teeter; 0.7kB

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Tic-tac-toe human vs. terrible TI-AI only. It's pretty hard... to lose. Even has a bug: lines are not always detected! C'mon everybody, keep the ttt games to yourself! pause


7G v3.0 (11'99) Ion, Ion86 by Bob the Cat port Jason Kovacs; 2.1kB

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You're flying at high speed through a tunnel with mines. Quite a nice game, with five difficulties and five speeds. Better than R-Type anyways. hi


A (3'00) by Free Bird; 0.2kB

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The first of Free Bird's three power (?) tools: the smallest password protection program. Instead of a "big" program (On86=0.6kb) you'll get a non-user-friendly one: besides displaying a block when you push a key it doesn't say a thing. Nothing better than On86, just smaller.


Aces High v1.4 (1'99) by Fritobandito; 2.2kB

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A simple yet very playable video poker game. No special options and stuff, but all the basics are well done. A very nice game, though it could use some more options (hiscore?) pause


Aim (8'98) by Zach Schoen; 0.8kB

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Stop a line moving right at the position of the block, then stop the line moving down. If it misses, you're game over. It saves a hiscore with initials. Good if you've got nothing better to do. hi


Alien v1.2 (8'97) Ash, YAS by Andrew von Dollen; 1.0kB

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Destroy the aliens. You can fire one shot at a time, and enemies can take more hits each level. Not that entertaining a game, but it makes sound! Not that you want to play it because of that, but still... pause


Alien Breed ][ v3.1 (9'00) Ion by James Vernon; 12.9kB

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Good old Alien Breed. Walk around the station and kill the enemies basically. Well-done: complete with storyline, terminals, external levels, etc. Scrolling would look better if it weren't per tile, but besides that it's perfect. hi pause


Alien Breed: Tower Assault v1.4 (6'01) Ion by James Vernon; 23.1kB

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OMFG! This game is sweeet! A great shooter like Alien Breed with all features like doors, all kinds of items, enemies (and bosses), four weapons, intex consoles (stores). When I reviewed the demo, I said it was too slow. This has been fixed though: this game now runs smooth and fast, with scrolling levels (20 of 'em even). Really amazing. Games usually take quite a while. You can continue using passwords, but not with a quick save. Also on the 83 it fills the entire memory. That's why it can't get a 100% score, but the game itself: perfection. hi pause


Alpha-10 v1.00 (12'98) CrASH, YAS by Jeremy Wazny; 10.7kB

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A fast vertically scrolling shoot-em-up. Enemies appearing from above and below (damn!) Quite cool game, although a little too hard for me. Trying to evade one vessel, I run right through four others, and with them shooting in level 2 it's, um... challenging. Just no high score, but all hardcore shmuppers should try this! Note: works on an 86 in YAS, but runs way too fast, and it crashes when you enable the delay :( pause


Amidar (5'01) Ion by Paul Robson; 3.3kB

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An old arcade a lot like Pacman. You move on a scrolling grid and have to eat all dots. Of course there's also some baddies, which you have to evade. You can also kick them a few times. Nice fast game. Just lacks a pause key. hi


Anti-Nibbles v1.0 (1'00) Ion by Brandon Engelberth; 0.9kB

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In this Nibbles game you have to avoid the pixels rather than eat them. A fresh idea and it's quite cool. There's four difficulties, however no extra score =( Also I don't like the sudden speed increase when all pixels are drawn. hi


Antz (3'01) by Steven Hunt; 0.7kB

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An ant (read: pixel) moves randomly over the screen. You can turn its trail on and off, and in- and decrease speed. It was actually meant to show a random number generator, so if you're not interested in that, don't download! The demo sucks azz!


Arcade Volleyball v1.0 (9'98) by Eugene Fridman; 4.3kB

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Plays abit like the classic pong. Prevent the bouncing ball from hitting the ground on your side, volleyball rules apply. You can move and jump, and it's pretty nice. It sure misses the 2-player option :( pause


Archery v1.0 (12'97) by Ahmed El-Helw; 1.1kB

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You have to fire an arrow right into the moving black box at the top. But since it always moves the same way, this is not very hard and gets really boring after a few minutes. pause


Arkanoid 2 v1.03 (12'99) by James Rubingh; 3.0kB + levels (0.2kB)

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Classic Arkanoid (Breakout) in greyscales with (PC) level editor. Features falling thingies (score, bigger paddle, barrier at bottom, lives), three different blocks, teacher key, movement in 256 directions. Needs hiscore saving, a slow-move key and maybe more bricks. pause


Ash v3.0 (8'97) by Mattias Lindqvist and Dines Justesen; 1.0kB

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A shell to run assembly programs on your 82. It can only run programs written for Ash. The installation is simple (just send a memory backup to your calc, and run Ash from the PRGM screen.) The shell just lets you select programs from a list, nothing more, nothing less. A good shell, but outdated by CrASH.


Avalanch v1.2 (11'99) Ion, Ion86 by Harper Maddox port Ian Graf; 0.6kB

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A small game in which you have to evade the falling icicles. Not the game to play for hours, but nice to play in a few lost minutes to break your high. Ver' good for the just 566 bytes it takes. hi


Avenger v1.0 (1'98) Usgard, YAS by Joel Jordan; 1.9kB

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Fast shmup (shoot-em-up). Destroy enemies coming from all directions firing bullets at you. Although it plays alright, it is still far from perfect. The worst thing is the flickering graphics: the enemies are half invisible, and there's far too much stars. Also there's so many incoming enemies that it's very hard to stay alive. Still a lot to be improved. pause


Ballistic v1.0 (12'99) by Matt Johnson; 8.7kB

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The classic game where two players have to fire missiles at each other at exactly the right angle and speed. A nice version with a shop to buy all kinds of even better weapons. What could be improved: more movement points (you can move nearly nothing in the entire game), maybe more scenarios, a bit smaller? (AI?) pause 2p


Ball Race v1.2 (4'01) CrASH, YAS by Joel LeCrux; 3.6kB

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Move and jump your ball from plane to plane,. Like Plain Jump for the 86. This version has got better controls though (you can accelerate/decelerate) and graphics are better too: real 3-D with changing viewpoint if you move. Large level, which you can edit at startup (but not save). No external levels unfortunately, and it doesn't record your time either. With these features added, this game would rule all!


Baseball '99 v0.7 (12'99) by Sam Heald; 5.1kB

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A baseball-like game when you have to hit a ball at the right moment and hope it moves right. Rules are like in real baseball (as far as possible). I personally don't really like this game: doesn't really demands skill and you don't see the guys moving (too simplified). pause 2p


Berzerk (3'00) Ion, zasm by Paul Robson; 4.1kB

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Walk from room to room killing all enemies inthere. Just mindlessly fire upon everything you see. There's also some smileyface which comes bouncing in after being in the same room for some time (and you can't kill him.) Luckily he can be turned off ;) Nice game to play when you're bored. It would be better if you could quit during the game (instead of first dieing 3 times..) Also hiscores ain't saved when running w/ zasmload, but hey we'll just use Ion. hi


Blackjack v1.0 (6'00) Ion by Harper Maddox; 2.0kB

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A good blackjack game. It's got all the necessary features (even win/loss counter and highest score!). The A is always worth 1, never 11. This could still be improved, but for the other part it's a good game. hi pause


Blair Witch Project (11'99) by Ben Weber; 2.7kB

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If you move into the house you lose, if you move down (bottom right) you win. That's all. Terrible source (large too) and does not work on ROM v1.4! pause
