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TI-8x archives

Chicken Shoot v1.1 (2'00) Ion, Ion86 by Harper Maddox; 4.1kB

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Find and kill the chickens. The game's quite cool, but it's got some problems: you have to kill one chicken more each level. You also get more time to kill 'em and that's a bad thing, because once you know the level a bit, you'll always have enough time. You can't loose. Furthermore, after level 9 you restart in level 1 again. The only thing remaining is to get the highest scores possible for each level. This isn't really exciting, since it depends on luck mostly. Also time left ain't displayed correctly. hi


Chocobo Racing v1.21 (10'99) Ion, Ion86 by Gary Huyser; 0.9kB

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This game has the best controls ever: none! Just sit back and let the "chocobos" race each other. Ehm, I think you can play it with each other, betting on which one will win. Hehe; fun!


Chunky ZKart Wanna-Be v1.1 (5'00) Usgard, YAS by Mike Tryczak; 1.0kB

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This game is best described as an improved ZKart. It's not "3-D" anymore, but the tracks are cooler. It just seems more challenging. Entering your initials is one thing that could be improved, but besides that it's a cool game (better than ZKart in my opinion). hi pause


Clickers v2.1 (6'01) by Thibaut Chevalier; 3.4kB

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A slide puzzle game like Fifteen. This one plays a lot faster though, is smaller, and has multiple (external) images to choose from. Still lacks hiscores and a teacher key. pause


Colony v1.0 (1'00) by Cassady Roop; 2.7kB

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An original game! Cells live according to the famous rules of life (they die with too much (>4) or too little (<2) neighbours) which is pretty cool on itself. But in this game you can help by adding or removing a cell each turn. 20 levels and hiscore save, well done! (With a demo-mode it would be complete) hi pause


Columns v3.01 (8'01) Ion by Mel Tsai port Ahmed El-Helw; 4.0kB

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A good Columns game (for those who don't know the game: it's like Tetris - though IMO less strategic.) A good version, with five difficulties (each with its own hiscore), and a teacher key! It's very much like Kollums for the 86, but was ported from some TI-85 version. Anyways, go check it out ;) hi pause


Concentration v1.31 (1'00) Ion by Doug Torrance; 1.4kB

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Basic Memory, with decent graphics and controls. Also tracks number of tries and saves highest score. However the field is just 5x4, nothing more, too small for me; i lost interest very quickly. hi pause


Connect Four v1.0 (12'99) by Olcay Cirit; 2.5kB

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Connect-4 written in smallC; well at least it's not in basic... let's see, 2-player of course, but AI too. And not just any AI, it's a very slow one but pretty good as well (thinks 3 moves ahead; challenging at least, scalable skill would be much better). If it were written in asm this game would be less slow and large. pause 2p


Control (3'02) by Jarno Lääveri; 0.4kB

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An extremely small and simple game. Control two dots by moving them up and down, so they don't hit the zigzagging line. Over time the dots come closer to each other so the game gets harder. A little like all those racing games. A good program (and the smallest game I've seen so far), but since the 86 has so much memory, I'd add a little more features: a pause key couldn't hurt, and hiscore (score is counted though).


Cosmic Ark v0.05b preview (11'99) by Robin Harbron; 1.8kB

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Incoming asteroids (one at a time of course), destroy them by firing either up, down, left or right. If you were too slow (hit), you lose some shield. No score counting so you'll never know whether you played good or bad.


Crapong v1.4 (1'99) by Jonah Cohen; 1.3kB

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C'mon Jonah, you can do better than this! This is a singleplayer-only pong with some real bad AI. The gun feature would be real cool with two players or better AI. Also the paddles move too slow. pause


CrASH v1.6 (5'98) by Hideaki Omuro and Jeff Mears; 1.0kB

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A shell to run assembly programs. The successor to Ash: it can run both CrASH and Ash files, and is superior in several aspects. No real special features like menus and stuff, just a plain shell (it does have a neat scrolling menu bar ;). But it is small (1kB). You'll want this one (if you've got an 82 that is).


Crown of Darkness v0.4b (3'98) by Ahmed El-Helw; 3.1kB

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Unfinished RPG-wannabe. One screen to walk on, with a piece of text and a non-functional shop, and some enemy-thingies bugging you.


Custom Font v1.00 (12'99) by John Kempen; 6.7kB + levels (0.3kB)

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A cool program which can be used to load or create custom fonts on your calc. Supports both fixed and variable (small) fonts. Like all font-programs display will get slower as you install more custom chars. The program itself is very complete but just a bit large.


Cymbol v0.3a (12'98) by Kirk Meyer; 1.0kB + levels (0.2kB)

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While it doesn't do anything on it's own, together with applets/plugins Cymbol can be the ideal math program! The input is perfect (with backspace) and the interface is plain but neat! Standard included are: a log-base convertor, a square root reducer and the perfect quadratic formula solver!


Dark Cave RPG v1.0 beta (5'00) by Ben Janik; 0.4kB

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To play a "joke" on your friends. It displays garbage and resets your calc unless you press the EE-key. Many hours of fun guaranteed! *sigh*


Dasher v1.0 (12'97) by Ahmed El-Helw; 1.1kB

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Your guy (or whathever it is) has to eat all thingies before the time runs out to advance to the next level. Challenging cause the time ticks away very fast. Annoying that holding a key takes a while to repeat, so it's often faster to repeat a key yourself. Also when you die you have to start back in level 1 again, and no hi-score saving.


Defender v1.1 (6'99) by Aaron Curtis; 5.6kB

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Woohoo! In defender you have to protect/safe the city below from some ugly ships. Featuring several levels, much different enemies, a nice powerful laser, hiscore, and unfortunately some bug that sometimes crashes your calc :( An ending would be nice, too. hi pause


Demineur v1.0 (3'00) by Mansot Etienne; 1.5kB

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A Minesweeper clone with five difficulties. The graphics are pretty good, but it lacks hiscores, or even a timer, and doesn't g/o when you win. pause


Diamonds v2.0 (2'00) by Jonah Cohen; 3.1kB + levels (0.9kB)

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Like version 1.2 but with a few improvements: graphics are in greyscale, there's a teacher key and speeds are better. The game's still the exactly the same, and size increases a littlebit as well, so score goes up only one or two percent. hi pause


Dodge Ball v1.0 (11'99) Ion, Ion86 by Zoltrix; 1.1kB

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Get your arrow passed the bouncing balls. It's basic but ok. A common play-again-to-break-hiscore game, though I can't imagine you wanna play this really a lot. hi pause


Dodger v1.2 (7'99) by Cullen Sauls; 2.4kB

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In Dodger you have to evade block-thingies coming from all sides (one at a time). Along the way speed will increase becoming almost impossible at the end (making it more a game of luck). Gfx not great (tile-based). hi pause


Donkey Kong v4.0 (7'00) Ion by Fred Lionetti; 8.6kB

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Donkey Kong basically. Plays okay i guess. Controls seem a little unrealistic to me. Graphics are playable, but not great (is that Mario?!?) And I do think it's too large (over 8kB) prolly because of the intro and titlescreen. Btw how do I beat level two? pause


Dots v1.0 (11'00) by Andreas Finne; 1.9kB

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A real "school"-game. We've all done it on paper, but that's barely as entertaining as doing it on your calc ;) You can play vs human or AI (although the computer's really too dumb to be playable), in fields sized 3x3 upto 9x6 (hmm, seems a little small, no extreme huge fields.) pause 2p


Drugwars v2.7 beta (6'98) Usgard, YAS by Terry Peng; 4.1kB

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An assembly version of the famous Drugwars game. Not bad at all: eight hiscores, save option, and you can continue after 30 days. There's just a few random events though, and just four drugs. Also I liked the controls in Jonah's version better. hi pause
