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TI-8x archives

Snow (12'96) ZShell, YAS by Andreas Ess; 0.4kB

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It wishes you a merry x-mas and happy 1997, and shows snow pixels falling down.


Sokoban v1.0 (10'97) by Andrew von Dollen; 5.3kB

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A great (classic) puzzle game in which you have to move all boxes onto a dot. Contains 50 levels! Too bad the game is not saved (select levels with +/-). Also controls seem a bit slow and no ending. Good game though. pause


Solitaire v1.1 (9'00) Ion by J. Le Pévédic; 2.0kB

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Remove all pieces (except for the last one) by jumping one over another. The game's ok, just a little too basic, only seven levels, and all in french; bluh! pause


Solytare v2.1 (11'97) by Michael Pearce; 2.1kB

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The most popular PC-game - god (yeah that's Bill) knows why. Think it'll load and run faster than the Windows version (unless you have Windows86 installed.) Controls ain't perfect, but they work. The game is ok, although I like Freecell better :P pause


Space Invaders v1.0 (6'98) by David Phillips; 1.5kB

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Man, this is a terrible version! It's slow and bad sprite routine (ex. you can't see enemy bullets coming when you're shooting yourself). Besides that, all levels are the same, no different enemies, no bosses, no hiscore, nothing! pause


SpaceWar v2.0 (8'99) Ion, Ion86 by Joe Wingbermuehle; 1.2kB

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Win a level by destroying all enemies, lose when one runs into you. You can move in four directions (abit weird since you're in space). Anyway the game works, but doesn't have too many special features that really made me wanna play it again. hi


SpaceWar 2183 (3'00) by Kirk Meyer; 1.5kB

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A two-player game in which each player flies a ship and has to destroy the other. Keys are a bit weird but make sense for a multiplayer game (customizable would be better). Although not much special things it can be fun. Misses 0G like in real space. BTW looks a lot like my own PC-game Noname.


Speed Racer v1 (4'00) by Spencer Brady; 6.8kB + levels (20.0kB)

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A cool racing game with bitmap levels. The advantage is the levels can be real pretty, but this also means the levels are short and huge. Nice game but I don't think you'll wanna keep this on your calc. pause


Splat (4'00) Ion by Paul Robson; 2.3kB

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Kinda weird game. You have to collect all coins, but you may not move off screen. The screen slowly scrolls and you can change the direction by going over an arrow. Funny, but there're too few levels included (2). A good level editor for DOS is included, so this still could become a nice puzzle game. (* Grade will increase if more levels get available)


Sqrxz v1.2 (8'00) Ion by Jimmy Mårdell port Solignac Julien; 6.7kB + levels (1.6kB)

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We all oughta know Sqrxz by now. Sqrxz is a cool platform/puzzle game. It's a port of the TI-86 version. The port's just like the original (with some extra scrolling because of the smaller screen) just a lot slower. Too bad, for it removes some action from the game. Remember to set it at fast. The game's still nearly as cool, but a bit large for an 83. pause


Stalactites (12'99) by Matt da cracker; 2.7kB

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Use your pad to push up the stalactites, while evading the bouncy balls. Funny, but not extremely challenging. Why the limit of max. 6 balls? Also entering your name sucks. Should be improved. hi pause


Star Chaser v1.03 (9'98) by Sean Hilty; 5.1kB

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You have to guide your ship to the right edge of the screen without hitting the asteroids, while it is bouncing up and down. Along the way you can pick up stars for extra points, but when the time runs out you die. Nice, but abit boring: all levels are the same and nothing special happens. Quite large, too. hi pause


Starship Commander v1.2 (4'00) Ion by Andreas Doktar port John Wyrwas; 2.7kB

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Man, these Starshit games are really getting annoying. Yet another evade the asteroids (ships here) game which doesn't have any features at all (not even hiscore saving). Did I mention it's big too? Try 7G.


StuntCopter vy2k (1'00) by Justin TerAvest; 0.9kB

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Whooohooo! This game rules all! You control a heli and you can drop a guy from it by pressing 2nd. Try not to let him hit the moving haycart so the game will be over sooner. You can't see whether he did or didn't, so it's also kind of a gambling game :-) Amazing...


Subhunt v1.4 (9'00) Ion, Ion86 by Sam Heald; 2.0kB

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Drop depth charges to destroy the submarines coming by. The submarines move at different speeds and heights and they fire at will (you can take three hits). The first levels are too easy (don't have to do anything but fire), but from level eight the enemies get a new weapon which you will have to evade. Linear difficulty increase would be better. hi pause


Supercopter vbeta (5'99) Usgard by Olivier Cloirec; 0.9kB

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The classic game where you keep flying over some city bombing buildings before you run into them. It plays rather good, but lacks hiscore saving and a pause key.


Super Mario v0.95 (12'99) by Ben Mickle; 13.3kB + levels (1.7kB)

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Amazing graphics! Smooth (+fast) scrolling platform game in four greyscales (title-screen in eight!), nice animations, good control, fireballs, running, mushrooms, moving platforms, secrets, plants, bowser, etc. Not completely finished, but looking very promising! pause


Super Mario v0.91 (8'98) by Bill Nagel; 8.2kB + levels (1.6kB)

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Another Mario, not as pretty as the Mickle-version. It has more enemies and water, but no moving platforms, fireballs, running, secrets, and some things are hard to see (black enemies on black background). A lot of extra levels available though, 'cause of the on-calc editor. pause


Target v1.0 (4'01) Ion, YAS by Emir Sakic; 2.1kB

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Shoot the targets before they reach the bottom. G/O after missing ten of 'em. The game starts slowly - too slowly. Not a quick game to play because you first have to shoot 200 of those thingies before it gets interesting. Sigh. Also always one at a time :( hi pause


Tetris Attack v1.1 (6'99) by Brandon Sterner; 6.1kB

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A puzzle game in which you have to place 3 or more blocks of the same type on one line to make them disappear. There are 60 levels, starting simple, each with a password to continue later. Also has an endless mode which I think goes too fast. hi pause


Three Point Shootout v1.0 (7'98) by Ricky Wallace; 8.0kB

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You have to aim something (ball? prolly..) good enough to advance to the next level. Plays a lot like Aim, however you don't play to beat your hiscore, but to beat the enemies. Ie you have to hit a little more each level. Gets pretty old pretty fast. The graphics are lovely, but the program's also a little large (coincidence?) Not a game to be playing for hours. pause


THX 1138 v1.5 (5'98) by Brandon Turok; 1.9kB

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Tron (Nibbles growing longer all the time) singleplayer only. Try to survive as long as possible. Five speeds, but no extra score, so no need. Good for a few tries, but no levels or multiplayer. hi pause


TicTacToe (7'00) by Bradford Wilson; 2.5kB

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Just when I thought games couldn't get any worse, I played this. Imagine something bad, and this game has it: It is tictactoe (need I go on? :) Title stuff is like a basic game (no graphics at all, game graphics suck), controls are 1-9 (but you can use any other key as well, exit for example). It's 2-player only, you can put your sign (X or O) on top of an other one, it doesn't detect a line (so it goes on forever since exit doesn't work either), it crashes quite often (besides the fact you can't quit), and all this at the size of 2.6kB! (if you want a good laugh look at the source :P) pause


Tic-Tac-Toe 3D v1.0 (10'99) by Mansot Etienne; 3.4kB

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Oh no!! Another TTT! The only reason I looked at it is because it's different: it's "3D". Well kind-of. It's does seem to work once you know the keys. For one or two players, and more challenging than the classic version. A little large for a ttt-game.. but hey, cool greyscales. pause 2p


Tie Fighter v0.2ß (11'97) by Ahmed El-Helw; 2.5kB

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Enemy ships moving right to left (one at a time) and you must destroy them. Nothing special (no explosions, upgrades, etc.) and some small bugs. No collision detection, hiscore is not saved, movement is very slow. Needs alot of work. pause
